Montenegro 1999

In 1999, Montenegro had a population of approximately 650,000 people. The economy was largely dependent on agriculture and tourism. Foreign relations in 1999 included strong ties with Serbia and other European countries. Politically, Montenegro was transitioning to a multi-party system with the creation of a new constitution in 1992. In 1999, Montenegro signed an agreement with Serbia that sought to increase economic cooperation between the two countries. In addition, Montenegro also signed agreements with other countries such as Italy which sought to increase economic ties between the two countries. See ethnicityology for Montenegro in the year of 2018.


The cathedral of S. Trifone in Cattaro (9th century, rebuilt in 1166) is the greatest testimony of the Romanesque in Montenegro; the western front features two 17th century bell towers. Other examples with proto-Romanesque elements, also in Cattaro, are S. Paolo (1266), S. Maria (collegiate, 1221), S. Luca (1195). The Gothic elements (decorations in portals, rosettes or windows) are sporadic. Along the coast in the Gulf of Kotor various Renaissance buildings (Cattaro, Perast) and Baroque examples of the century. 17th and 18th (churches in Prčanj and on the island of Gospa od. Škrpjela). Kotor was also an important center for the diffusion of Baroque art.

The Orthodox churches in the mountainous regions (with a single nave, with a simple dome and one or two bell towers on the western front) are affected by the Byzantine and Mediterranean stylistic influence. An important center for the production of icons, flourishing until the 19th century, was the monastery of Morača, one of the largest in the country. There are frequent traces of Venetian fortifications; the influence of the Ottoman Empire is sensitive to the architecture of the capital Podgorica, which has also particularly enjoyed the substantial urban and industrial programs that followed the war of liberation led by Marshal Tito throughout the former Yugoslavia.

Intertwined with the complex artistic panorama that characterized the art of the former Yugoslavia, the artistic production of Montenegro from the end of the 19th century. he abandoned academicism to turn to impressionism; strong interest in photography, alive in the 20th century. The relations with P. Cezanne and Cubism (M. Milunovič, P. Lubarda) and with surrealism (Dado) are sensitive. Contemporary production is marked, in the context of informal painting, by B. Filipović Filo (representative at the 1990 Venice Biennale), who was posthumously awarded the Petar Lubarda prize in 2000, the highest recognition in Montenegro. Among the works of the emerging generations, the solutions of abstract expressionism sought by figures such as A. Burić are noteworthy.

Montenegro 1999


Podgorica, 1946–1992 Titograd, capital of Montenegro; 195,700 residents (2017). Podgorica is Montenegro’s economic and cultural center with universities since 1974. The business sector is dominated by the aluminum, machinery and wood products industry. Podgorica has very few building memories; wide, straight streets, large green areas and modern buildings dominate the cityscape.

Map of Montenegro Podgorica in English

Visit Countryaah official website to get information about the capital city of Montenegro. Podgorica, mentioned for the first time in 1326, was part of the Ottoman Empire from 1474 to 1878.

  • Also see to see the acronym of MNE which stands for Montenegro and other definitions of this 3-letter abbreviation.

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